Bendicks Bittermints 200g
Bendicks has spent over 80 years creating a fine selection of quintessentially British dark mint chocolates, to delight the most discerning of customers. Demonstrating an unrivalled reputation for excellence, Bendicks was awarded a Royal Warrant by Her Majesty the Queen in 1962, a prestigious stamp of quality that has adorned the chocolate boxes ever since.
Bendicks Bittermints, still made to the original recipe of 1931 are the oldest most famous Bendicks mint. They are the perfect combination of intense mint fondant enrobed with thick, dark 95% cocoa solids chocolate to deliver the unique taste experience.
Bittermints are a unique combination of contrasting, premium ingredients. An intense fondant, harmonised with indulgent, dark 95% cocoa solids chocolate to deliver an experience which is uniquely Bendicks. The mint fondant is infused with a strong mint oil.